Welcome to Valhalla: On a Progressive Paganism


Heathenry, a modern movement drawing on pre-Christian pagan religions, has become associated with the violent, racialized politics of the alt-right. Less well known is the fight to make heathenry — and the progressive values it can promote — inclusive and open to all.


  • Robert Schreiwer, Heathen activist, founder of the Heathen tradition of Urglaawe, Manager of Huginn’s Heathen Hof and Heathens Against Hate, and Steer of the Troth (2016-2019 and again in 2020). Founder of In-Reach Prison Services.
  • Michael Strmiska, associate professor in global studies at SUNY-Orange and author of Modern Paganism in World Cultures.
  • Lauren Crow, co-host of the Heathen History podcast.
  • Ben Waggoner, co-host of the Heathen History podcast.
  • Thomas Engelmann, outreach specialist at Life After Hate’s ExitUSA.

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Zachary Davis

Zachary Davis is the host of Ministry of Ideas and Writ Large and the Editor-in-Chief of Radiant.

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