William B. Young and Stephen D. Silberstein, "Navigating Life with Migraine and Other Headaches" (Oxford UP, 2018)


Migraine headaches can be absolutely devastating. In the book Navigating Life with Migraine and Other Headaches (Oxford University Press, 2018), William B. Young and Stephen D. Silberstein set out to dispel the myths around migraine headaches. Young and Silberstein define what exactly a migraine headache is and what sets it apart from other headaches. They also dive into the various causes and explanations on how they occur. This book is an excellent resource for people who suffer from migraine headaches and their family. Advice is given on how to manage these headaches, how to optimize doctor visits, and even when to go to the emergency department.
Jeremy Corr is the co-host of the hit Fixing Healthcare podcast along with industry thought leader Dr. Robert Pearl. A University of Iowa history alumnus, Jeremy is curious and passionate about all things healthcare, which means he’s always up for a good discussion! Reach him at jeremyccorr@gmail.com.

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