Nordic Asia Podcast

Nordic Asia Podcast


The Nordic Asia Podcast is a collaboration sharing expertise on Asia across the Nordic region, brought to you by the following academic partners:

-Asia Centre, University of Tartu (Estonia)

-Asian studies, University of Helsinki (Finland)

-Centre for Asian Studies, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

-Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University (Sweden)

-Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Turku (Finland)

-Norwegian Network for Asian Studies

Sino-Pacific Relations: A Discussion with Rodolfo Maggio

July 15, 2024

Sino-Pacific Relations

Rodolfo Maggio

The 2024 Solomon Islands elections were surprisingly peaceful. The deepening economic inequalities, widespread corruption, rogue demagogues manipulati…

Souvik Mukherjee, "Videogames in the Indian Subcontinent: Development, Culture(s) and Representations" (Bloomsbury, 2022)

July 1, 2024

Videogames in the Indian Subcontinent

Souvik Mukherjee
Hosted by Xenia Zeiler

While there has been considerable research on digital cultures in the Indian Subcontinent, video games have received scant attention so far. Yet, they…

Living with Digital Surveillance in China

June 24, 2024

Living with Digital Surveillance in China

Ariane Ollier-Malaterre
Hosted by Joanne Kuai

How do Chinese citizens make sense of digital surveillance and live with it? What narratives do they come up with to deal with the daily and all-encom…

The Religious Landscape of Taiwan: A Discussion with Yushuang Yao

June 21, 2024

The Religious Landscape of Taiwan

Yushuang Yao

How is Buddhism seen and practiced in Taiwan? And how do neighbouring countries influence Taiwanese Buddhism? In this episode we explore the religious…

Manisha Anantharaman, "Recycling Class: The Contradictions of Inclusion in Urban Sustainability" (MIT Press, 2024)

June 7, 2024

Recycling Class

Manisha Anantharaman

What types of coalitions can deliver social justice within sustainability initiatives? And how can we avoid reproducing unjust distributions of risk a…

Asian Soft Power in Estonia: A Discussion with Agnieszka Nitza-Makowska

May 24, 2024

Asian Soft Power in Estonia

Agnieszka Nitza-Makowska

How do Asian nations exercise soft power in the Baltics? Soft power is a political strategy to influence other international relations actors by using…

South Korea after the 2024 Parliamentary Elections

May 10, 2024

South Korea after the 2024 Parliamentary Elections

Sabine Burghart

How do election campaigns in South Korea look like? Why have satellite parties become an important instrument of power politics? What do the election …

India Votes 2024

April 26, 2024

India Votes 2024

Arild Engelsen Ruud and Francesca Jensenius

What is at stake at the 2024 Indian national elections? And, what can we expect if the incumbent prime minister Narendra Modi wins another five years …

Miss Tibet: Representing Tibet through Beauty Pageants

April 12, 2024

Miss Tibet: Representing Tibet through Beauty Pageants

Pema Choedon

What does the Miss Tibet beauty pageant tell us about what it means to be Tibetan in a globalized world? And what understandings of Tibetan culture do…

India’s Waste Problem: A Discussion with Pamela Das

March 29, 2024

India’s Waste Problem

Pamela Das

How is India tackling its persistent wage management problems? And, are new infrastructural solutions the way forward? In this episode, Kenneth Bo Nie…

Amber Worlds: The Global Amber Trade in the China-Myanmar Borderlands

March 15, 2024

Amber Worlds

Alessandro Rippa

What role do China and other Asian countries play in the global amber trade? And, what can we learn about the big challenges of our time by studying a…

Who owns Khadi? From the Indian Freedom Struggle to an International Trademark

March 1, 2024

Who owns Khadi?

Subhadeep Chowdhury

Why did khadi become so central to India’s freedom struggle? How did it evolve into an international trademark – and what does khadi signify in India …

Risks of US-China Geoeconomic Rivalry: Enhancing Small State Preparedness

February 16, 2024

Risks of US-China Geoeconomic Rivalry

Ines Söderström, Liisa Kauppila, and Elina Sinkkonen

What happens if the geoeconomic risks of great power rivalry materialise? What can be done to prevent these potential dangers from unfolding in small …

Kiribati in the Chinese Pacific: A Discussion with Rodolfo Maggio

February 2, 2024

Kiribati in the Chinese Pacific

Rodolfo Maggio

Is Kiribati in the American lake, Indo-Pacific or Chinese Pacific? In this Episode, Julie Yu-Wen Chen talks to Rodolfo Maggio, a senior researcher at …

Cross-Cultural Research on Gaming and “Gaming Disorder”

January 19, 2024

Cross-Cultural Research on Gaming and “Gaming Disorder”

Veli-Matti Karhulahti and Yaewon Jin
Hosted by Satoko Naito

In 1998 the phrase “internet addiction” was first used to describe problematic prolonged internet use, and encompassed a wide range of online activiti…

China’s Environmental Footprint in Ghana: Non-State Responses

January 5, 2024

China’s Environmental Footprint in Ghana

Abdul-Gafar Tobi Oshodi

Musicians and community activists in Ghana have raised their voices to increase awareness of the environmental impact of Chinese activities in the cou…

Grammar, Identity, and Ideology in Early 20th-Century Japan

December 29, 2023

Grammar, Identity, and Ideology in Early 20th-Century Japan

Jonathan Puntervold

Have you ever felt that the grammar of Asian languages does not fit with the framework that we use to describe them? In the late 19th century, Asian g…

Reading the Stars: When Divination Meets Politics in Thailand

December 22, 2023

Reading the Stars

Edoardo Siani
Hosted by Petra Alderman

What does astrology, palm-reading and fortune telling have to do with politics in Thailand, and how can we make sense of these divination practices an…

Between Jesus and Krishna: Christian Encounters with South Indian Temple Dance

December 15, 2023

Between Jesus and Krishna

Stine Simonsen Puri

One of the eight national dances of India, bharatanatyam, partly originates from the area around Tranquebar. During the time that Tranquebar was a Dan…

Humanitarian Issues of Immigration in Japan: From Historical Background to Current Policies

December 8, 2023

Humanitarian Issues of Immigration in Japan

Yoko Demelius and Sara Park
Hosted by Satoko Naito

Japan has historically maintained extended periods of isolationist policies and continues to uphold some of the strictest immigration laws in the worl…