Futurism, Brand Strategy, and the Magic Ingredient of Time (with Jasmine Bina)


I talked to the CEO of Concept Bureau Jasmine Bina about her work in cultural consulting, futurism, and brand strategy. Jasmine studied English literature. Then she went into business. She then discovered cultural strategy to be that space where she could help companies that weren't growing or were growing too fast to understand the reasons behind their success.

So what does our conversation have to do with history? What stands out in Jasmine's approach to brand strategy work is her attention to time. My guest shared how she and her team leverage their reflection on time to tell and replace stories, to bend the market, and to predict the future. We talk about time as something to be played rather than lost (sorry, Proust), about pre- and post-purchase branding, about access to the past as a status symbol, about how the past and the future have collapsed into an "eternal present" and what it means for brands, and much, much more.

Take a listen... if you have the time.

Your Host

Patryk Babiracki

Patryk Babiracki is a historian, researcher and writer; professor & MA student advisor at the University of Texas at Arlington. PhD from Johns Hopkins. Promoter of #AppliedHistory: using historical concepts, frameworks, and methodologies to solve real-world organizational problems.

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