History and Digital Media: A Discussion with Allison Tourville


After she earned her BA and MA in history, Allison Tourville decided to pursue a career in social media strategy. For nearly a decade, she worked for Vale Group (formerly Vulcan LLC, founded by the co-founder of Microsoft Paul G. Allen). She is now the Digital Media Director at the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. On Ep. 11, we talked about her choices, experiences, passion for history, and the skills that connected her training in this discipline with her successful career in digital communications and social media management. 

Allison shared what skills came in the handiest during her work on the Great Elephant Census project, how she translated her resume into a series of tweets to showcase her skills on the job market, how she recognized that the present was history in the making during the 2010 Arab Spring, and how she measured the impact of social media campaigns. Plus, she offered great advice on how history grads and hiring managers can connect and help each other!

Your Host

Patryk Babiracki

Patryk Babiracki is a historian, researcher and writer; professor & MA student advisor at the University of Texas at Arlington. PhD from Johns Hopkins. Promoter of #AppliedHistory: using historical concepts, frameworks, and methodologies to solve real-world organizational problems.

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