Stephen Fulder, "What's Beyond Mindfulness? Waking Up to This Precious Life" (Pardes Publishing, 2019)


What is the power and significance of mindfulness and similar practices in conflict zones and conflict situations? Does a person need to challenge the norms and authority of the society and the attachment to nationality in order to seriously meditate? Is it possible to teach meditation and still encourage young people to serve in the military? What are the challenges and at the same time the opportunities of mindfulness for those who suffer from PTSD? Is it possible to believe in the power of Buddhist inspired spiritual practice such as mindfulness while being a believing Jew? And how should one distinguish between religion and the culture created around it?

In this fascinating conversation I met Dr. Stephen Fulder, the author of the Wakefulness in Daily Life (in Hebrew, by Pardes Publishing House, 2016). It is a life-changing guide to the incredible benefits of living with a radical, hopeful and dharma (Buddhist practice)-based perspective that includes mindfulness but goes way beyond it. The book is a uniquely practical and accessible exploration of Buddhism in everyday life that will have appeal to people of any faith and of none.

Stephen Fulder is the founder and senior teacher of the Israel Insight Society (Tovana), the major organization in Israel teaching Buddhist meditative practice. He has also worked since 1975 in the field of herbal and complementary medicine as an author, consultant and researcher, publishing many books and research papers.

Wakefulness in Daily Life has been translated to English and published as: What's Beyond Mindfulness? Waking Up to This Precious Life (Watkins Publishing, 2019). The Hebrew version of the book, published by Pardes Publishing, can be purchased here

Dr. Yakir Englander is the National Director of Leadership programs at the Israeli-American Council. He also teaches at the AJR. He can be reached at:

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Yakir Englander

Dr. Yakir Englander is the National Director of Leadership programs at the Israeli-American Council. He also teaches at the AJR. He can be reached at:

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