About Gordon Katic

Gordon Katic is an award-winning radio producer and journalist with a background in health, science, and climate reporting. He is director of Cited Media Productions, which produced Cited Podcast and CRACKDOWN. Now, Gordon hosts Darts and Letters. When he’s not making podcasts, he’s working on a PhD at the University of Toronto focussed on theorizing a critical theory of science communication. Previously, he earned a Masters in Journalism from the University of British Columbia.

Gordon Katic is an award-winning radio producer and journalist with a background in health, science, and climate reporting. He is director of Cited Media Productions, which produced Cited Podcast and CRACKDOWN. Now, Gordon hosts Darts and Letters. When he’s not making podcasts, he’s working on a PhD at the University of Toronto focussed on theorizing a critical theory of science communication. Previously, he earned a Masters in Journalism from the University of British Columbia.

Gordon's website

NBN Episodes hosted by Gordon:

Quantifying the American Mind: George Gallup, and the Promise of Political Polling

July 24, 2024

Quantifying the American Mind: George Gallup, and the Promise of Political Polling

W. Joseph Campbell
Hosted by Gordon Katic

Early pollsters thought they had the psychological tools to quantify American mind, thereby enabling a truly democratic polity that would be governed …

The (ir)Rational Priests: On Ignacio Martín-Baró and Liberation Psychology

July 11, 2024

The (ir)Rational Priests: On Ignacio Martín-Baró and Liberation Psychology

Hosted by Gordon Katic

A group of landholding elites waged psychological warfare on the El Salvadoran people, and oppressed them for generations. When a psychologist and Jes…

The (ir)Rational Rainbow (the DSM & the Fight to Depathologize Homosexuality)

July 6, 2024

The (ir)Rational Rainbow (the DSM & the Fight to Depathologize Homosexuality)

Hosted by Gordon Katic

The psychological establishment has long pathologized diverse forms of sexual identity and gender expression. In the mid-century, a brave movement of …

The (ir)Rational Mob: On the Life and Legacy of Gustave Le Bon

June 29, 2024

The (ir)Rational Mob: On the Life and Legacy of Gustave Le Bon

Hosted by Gordon Katic

Every protest movement has been dismissed as a mere ‘mindless mob,’ caught in a psychological frenzy. Where did this idea come from, and why does it l…

The Radical Imagination in Reactionary Times

October 22, 2023

The Radical Imagination in Reactionary Times

Alex Khasnabish and Max Haiven
Hosted by Gordon Katic

Professors Alex Khasnabish and Max Haiven are authors of a book called The Radical Imagination: Social Movement Research in the Age of Austerity (Bloo…

Mutual Aid and the Anarchist Radical Imagination

October 11, 2023

Mutual Aid and the Anarchist Radical Imagination

Elif Genc, Payton McDonald, Max Haiven, and Alex Khasnabish
Hosted by Gordon Katic

This episode of Darts and Letters examines the theory and practice of anti-statist organizing. There’s a story you can tell about the post-Occupy lef…

The Past and Present of Psychedelic Medicine with Erika Dyke and David Nickles

September 1, 2023

The Past and Present of Psychedelic Medicine

Erika Dyke and David Nickles
Hosted by Gordon Katic

Psychedelics have gone from the counterculture, to the mainstream. However, can you turn take such an ineffable thing — a tool for personal revelation…

The WEF is Actually Bad, But Not Like That

July 28, 2023

The WEF is Actually Bad, But Not Like That

Joel Bakan
Hosted by Gordon Katic

The World Economic Forum has become the bugbear of the right-wing in Canada, and beyond. Conspiracies swirl about how this shadowy, globalist cabal wa…

Misinformed: The Covid Lab Leak Theory and the Politics of Misinformation

May 17, 2023


Branko Marcetic and Nicole M. Krause
Hosted by Gordon Katic

The COVID-19 lab leak theory went from being dismissed as mere misinformation, to now a credible matter of debate amongst media, scientific, and intel…

The Politics of "Misinformation": A Discussion with Nicole M. Krause

May 14, 2023

The Politics of "Misinformation"

Nicole M. Krause
Hosted by Gordon Katic

Gordon Katic is in conversation with Nicole M. Krause. She is a PhD candidate focussing on science communication, looks at conceptual problems in the …

Hearts of Men: How Should Progressives React to Masculinity Influencers like Andrew Tate?

April 12, 2023

Hearts of Men

Hosted by Gordon Katic

Online masculinity is getting weirder and weirder. We’re way past mere misogyny and sexual predation (though, that’s still certainly there). Now, we’v…

Discordia Revisited: The Concordia Netanyahu Riot of 2002

February 1, 2023

Discordia Revisited

Hosted by Gordon Katic

20 years ago at Concordia University in Montreal pro-Palestinian protestors clashed with police over whether Benjamin Netanyahu should be allowed to s…

"Medical Assistance in Dying" (MAID) in Canada

December 26, 2022

"Medical Assistance in Dying" (MAID)

Trudo Lemmens and Derryk Smith
Hosted by Gordon Katic

Is medical assistance in dying, or MAID letting the government off the hook from providing what they should be providing? Should we respect people's c…

Mathematical Morality: The Ideology that Justifies Billionaires

November 30, 2022

Mathematical Morality

Émile P. Torres
Hosted by Gordon Katic

How can billionaires justify the endless accumulation of wealth? Effective altruism. An almost religious philosophical belief. Sam Bankman-Fried, the …

Science Against the People: Anti-Capitalist Science

November 16, 2022

Science Against the People

Sigrid Schmaltzer
Hosted by Gordon Katic

It’s difficult to criticise science from the left. Right-wingers attack science and liberals defend it. Science for the People is a radical movement…

Darts Transit Commission: Silicon Valley’s Car Culture

October 31, 2022

Darts Transit Commission

Paris Marx
Hosted by Gordon Katic

Paris Marx is one of the sharpest modern writers on Silicon Valley and transit. We have been talking a lot lately about the idea of techno-utopian thi…

Technocracy Now! Part 3: Technocracy in the Private Sector

October 19, 2022

Technocracy Now! Part 3

Hosted by Gordon Katic

The first two episodes of this series told stories of technocrats who tied themselves to a muscular state. They believed the state could remake societ…

Technocracy Now! Part 2: Exploring Technocracy through Cybernetics

October 10, 2022

Technocracy Now! Part 2

Joy Rohde
Hosted by Gordon Katic

On part #2 of Technocracy Now, we tell stories of cybernetic technocracies. First, we hear the story of Charles A. McClelland, a liberal political sc…

Technocracy Now! Part 1: Noam Chomsky on Intellectuals and Expertise

October 3, 2022

Technocracy Now! Part 1

Noam Chomsky
Hosted by Gordon Katic

Technocracy is the idea that experts should govern. For the common good, presumably. In fact, it's an idea as old as politics itself, and it emerges j…

Pew Research Center: Analyzing the Evangelical Right

September 9, 2022

Pew Research Center

Andre Gagne
Hosted by Gordon Katic

You’ve seen hilarious videos of the evangelicals for Trump. You might be inclined to ignore them, mock their excesses, or dismiss their threat. But th…

Alexandr Dugin, Russia’s Imperial Philosopher: Into the Mind of a Russian Political Theorist

September 6, 2022

Alexandr Dugin, Russia’s Imperial Philosopher

Matt McManus
Hosted by Gordon Katic

We look at the mind behind Russia’s imperial vision, Aleksandr Dugin. Political theorist Matt McManus walks us through this far-right thinker’s strang…

Truck Nuts: The Political History of Trucks and Trucking

September 5, 2022

Truck Nuts

Matt Christman
Hosted by Gordon Katic

The pickup truck is the symbol of rural conservative masculinity. So, it often takes centre stage in the tired culture wars between reactionary neo-po…

The Tamiflu Trials: Profit and Public Health--How Do We Choose Which Drugs to Use?

September 2, 2022

The Tamiflu Trials

Hosted by Gordon Katic

Before Remdesivir and Hydroxycloroquin there was Tamiflu. To prepare for Swine Flu and Bird Flu, governments spent billions stockpiling this drug ca…

The Heroin Clinic: Medical Grade Heroin Given Out Legally to Users

September 1, 2022

The Heroin Clinic

Hosted by Gordon Katic

At Crosstown Clinic, doctors are turning addiction treatment on its head: they’re prescribing heroin-users the very drug they’re addicted to. This is …